Nykanor Abramovych
Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC).
Mark Aldanov
Prose writer, essayist.
Mykola Andreyev
Physicist,the founder of modern acoustics.
Mykhailo Andrienko-Nechytailo
Painter, drawer, scenic designer, art researcher, prose writer.
Dmytro Andrievsky
Ideologist of Ukrainian nationalism.
Petro Andrusiv
Painter, educator, public figure.
Mykola Andrusov
Geologist, stratigrapher, paleontologist, oceanologist.
Constantine Andrusyshen
Literature researcher, linguist, educator, translator.
Stepan Balei
Psychologist, philosopher, educator.
Stepan Bandera
One of the leaders of the Ukrainian national liberation movement.
Oleksandr Barvinsky
One of the leaders of the Ukrainian national movement in Galicia.
Man in History
Mstyslav Davydovych
Prince of Novgorod and Vyshgorod