
Nykanor Abramovych
Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC).

Adelaide (Adelheid) of Hungary

Adelaide of Bohemia
Granddaughter of Grand Prince Sviatopolk Iziaslavych of Kyiv, wife of Sobĕslav I, Duke of Bohemia

Mark Aldanov
Prose writer, essayist.

Nestor Ambodyk-Maksymovych
Scientist, encyclopaedist, physician.

Anastasia Agmunda Yaroslavna
Queen of Hungary

Yaropolkivna Anastasia

Bogoliubsky Andrei
Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality

Mykola Andreyev
Physicist,the founder of modern acoustics.

Mykhailo Andrienko-Nechytailo
Painter, drawer, scenic designer, art researcher, prose writer.

Dmytro Andrievsky
Ideologist of Ukrainian nationalism.

Yuriyovych Andriy
Prince of Halych-Volyn Principality
Man in History
III Vasilyevich Ivan
Grand Prince of Muscovy